Studies of Biology (Zoology, Botanics, Biochemistry, Biophysics) at Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Graduated as "Diplom-Biologe". Diploma Thesis on: Aspects of the biomechanics of hydroskeletal constructions. Control of form in Nephthys caeca (Annelida: Polychaeta)

1987-1995: Collaboration in the projects: "Simulation of forest ecosystems subjected to forest decline." and in the in the development of the Frankfurt Biosphere Model. Working group of Prof. Dr. G. H. Kohlmaier, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, FRG

1995: Dissertation on: Maximization of CO2 assimilation by optimal allocation of nitrogen. Model studies of optimal allocation of nitrogen inside canopies and the implications of different leaf photosynthesis models.

February 1995: temporary visiting investigator at the Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Stanford, CA

1995-1998: Post-Doc Position at the Laboratoire d'Ecophysiologie végétale, Orsay (France), Prof. B. Saugier. Research on global carbon cycle modelling, photosynthesis models, plant respiration and growth of beech saplings under elevated CO2

1998-2003: Post-Doc Position at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research, PIK (Germany). Research on global carbon cycle modelling, plant phenology, modelling of forest succession.

2004-2006: Senior Scientist at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research, PIK (Germany). Research on global carbon cycle modelling, plant phenology, modelling of forest growth and management, vulnerability to climate change.

February/March 2005: Visiting professor at Université de Paris XI, Orsay, Laboratoire d'Ecophysiologie végétale

December 2006 - December 2009: self-employed consultant

January 2010 - February 2019: temporary research associate at the Genomics Research Centre of CRA, Fiorenzuola d'Arda, Italy

February 2019 - September 2020: jobless

October 2020 February 2023: researcher at The Centre for Genomics and bioinformatics of CREA, Fiorenzuola d'Arda, Italy

since March 2023: retired, associated researcher with The Centre for Genomics and bioinformatics of CREA, Fiorenzuola d'Arda, Italy

January 2004 through March 2016: Associate editor of Acta Oecologica

January 2011 through January 2015: Member of the Editorial Board of Regional Environmental Change